What we do

Our Service Offering

Value-Added Tax (VAT) Reviews and VAT Recovery
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Accounts Payable Reviews
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Debt and Account Maintenance with SARS
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Payroll Reviews
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Mining Royalties
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Diesel Rebate Scheme
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Training and Skills Transfer
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Seasonal Technical Newsletter
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Direct Taxes
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Carbon Tax
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Value-Added Tax (VAT) Reviews and VAT Recovery
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Accounts Payable Reviews
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Debt and Account Maintenance with SARS
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Payroll Reviews
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Mining Royalties
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Diesel Rebate Scheme
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Training and Skills Transfer
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Seasonal Technical Newsletter
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Client Portal
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MaxProf performs a confidential review of the client’s transactions on a contingency basis for a prescription period of 5 years. Our approach is to review the treatment of VAT to ensure the correct application of the relevant provisions of the VAT Act, the compliance thereof, optimal recovery of input tax, appropriate declaration of output tax and to identify any potential exposures.

The methodology used is a line-by-line transactional review supported by our proprietary software, developed in-house. By employing this all-encompassing approach, we ensure that the client derives the maximum revenue potential.

During the review period, we submit progress reports, tailor-made close-out reports, recommendations on findings and recommendations are backed by adequate supporting documentation pertaining to the VAT amounts recovered and source documents to substantiate the claim and expedite the VAT refunds.

VAT Opinions
We have compiled numerous written opinions in respect of the interpretation or application of the VAT Act for ambiguous matters, which provided the client with clarity prior to making submissions to SARS.
VAT Rulings from SARS
We have successfully applied for a number of VAT rulings from SARS on behalf of our clients. A ruling endorsed by SARS is not retrospective, it is specific to the respective taxpayer and is based on a set of facts. As a rule of thumb, SARS will only consider a ruling if the application made falls within the ambit of the law.
SARS Objections and Appeals
According to the VAT Act (1991) and TAA (2011), a taxpayer who is aggrieved by an assessment issued by SARS, has the right to lodge an objection to such an assessment. Our experienced team of tax professionals have assisted clients in reducing their tax liabilities through the ADR1 and ADR2 processes and in some cases applications in the tax court.
Customs VAT
It is crucial to understand and comply with the relevant tax laws when dealing with the import or export of goods. It is important to understand that VAT is also collected on goods imported and cleared for own consumption. We assist clients in ensuring that they are fully compliant with the latest VAT amendments and when claiming customs VAT.
Financial Reporting on VAT
Our expertise afforded to clients needing assistance with their VAT Disclosure Note to the AFS, has seen proven results with many clients receiving clean audit findings on VAT from the Auditor-General.


Our Accounts Payable reviews follow a systematic approach by verifying every transaction that has been processed through the Accounts Payable and Cash Book systems. 

The process allows MaxProf to identify, record and recover:


MaxProf assists vendors to submit a compromise to SARS on outstanding tax debt. A compromise is an agreement between SARS and the taxpayer in respect of a tax debt whereby the taxpayer undertakes to pay an amount which is less than the full amount of the tax debt due, and SARS accepts this in full and final settlement of the entire debt. SARS will write-off the remaining portion of the debt, provided the taxpayer complies with the undertaking and adheres to any additional conditions as may be imposed by SARS.
Deferral/Payment arrangement
Where a compromise agreement has been concluded between the taxpayer and SARS, the remaining tax obligation may be deferred for a specific period subject to the taxpayer remaining compliant. MaxProf assists with the preparation and request for the deferral payment arrangements and with the overall maintaining of compliance.
Request for Remission of Penalties and Interest (RFR)
MaxProf assists taxpayers in submitting a Request for Remission when a taxpayer disputes any administrative penalty levied due to non-compliance.
The purpose of the Voluntary Disclosure Programme (VDP) is to encourage taxpayers to voluntarily disclose any irregularities of their tax affairs to SARS, to avoid the imposition of understatement penalties (USP) and administrative penalties. We facilitate and assist with the entire VDP process.
Outstanding refunds
We have assisted various clients with unresolved SARS verifications and the release of long outstanding VAT refunds. In certain instances, SARS was prompted to pay interest on these outstanding refunds.


An employer is required by law to withhold Employees’ Tax from remuneration payable to employees. In recent engagements we have performed the interim and annual (EMP501) reconciliations ensuring that our clients were compliant with SARS, considering the changes in legislation. This also ensures that employees receive accurate IRP5’s at the end of the tax year.
Workman's Compensation Classification
Workman’s compensation is a compulsory form of insurance provided to employees injured in the course of their employment and is governed by the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 130 of 1993, or the COID Act. We analyse and recalculate the Return of Earnings (W.AS.8), thereby ensuring that the correct industry classification and amount payable was determined.
Employment Tax Incentive (ETI)
We assist in vetting of qualifying employers and employees by calculating the correct incentive amount, revising of payroll system calculations, and identifying any unclaimed ETI from SARS.


MaxProf provides assistance with registration for the mandatory levy and calculation of royalty percentages and amounts payable. This includes the reconciliation of submissions made and the final liability calculation.


Carbon Tax Reviews includes a detailed assessment of the underlying Greenhouse Gas Emission (GHG) inventories as applicable to the Carbon Tax Act No 15 of 2019, Customs and Excise Amendment Act No 13 of 2019, and associated regulations. MaxProf provides a sound foundation to review allowances and other mechanisms that affect the net carbon tax payable which includes securing carbon offsets, rebates, and exemptions from the carbon tax.


VAT vendors that carry on eligible activities in specific categories and industries may qualify for diesel refunds. We perform the necessary due diligence on behalf of our clients and make applications in terms of SARS’ requirements. Where clients are already registered for diesel rebates, we identify and recover prospective claims and investigate assessments on historic claims.


MaxProf regards training and skills transfer as an integral part of our value-added services to our clients. Our training is CPD accredited and comprises theoretical and practical components as dictated by the needs of the clients.


The publication aims to provide relevant information on Tax Industry trends, legislation, VAT audit challenges and solutions. Our articles contain technical information on complex VAT and other Tax matters which will provide valuable insight to our clients. The technical articles can be found here.


Direct taxes refer to levies imposed directly on individuals and businesses and are calculated based on income, profits, or assets. The primary forms of direct taxes include income tax, which is payable by individuals and companies on their earnings, and capital gains tax, levied on the profits made from the sale of assets. Additionally, estate duty and donations tax are applicable to transfers of wealth. MaxProf scrutinize the tax computation with the focus on accuracy and compliance.


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